Building Genuine Connections

Reflecting Diversity & Understanding the Communities We Serve

At AOC, we are not simply an organization working for the community; we are an integral part of the communities we serve. We understand that the needs and aspirations of each community are unique, and that's why we are dedicated to providing service and programming specifically tailored to address those needs.

Establishing Trust & Credibility

Our programs focus on areas such as education, employment, and entrepreneurship, with a strong emphasis on empowering individuals from underserved backgrounds. Through mentorship, skill-building workshops, and resource allocation, we strive to level the playing field and create pathways for success.

How We Serve


We understand that addressing violence requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond immediate interventions. That's why our programs are built upon proven strategies we’ve learned over the past 30 years. We utilize evidence-based practices to design initiatives that focus on preventing violence before it occurs, addressing its root causes, and promoting positive alternatives. Our evidence-based programs include violence prevention workshops, conflict resolution training, mentorship programs, business education, and community outreach initiatives.

& Program Incentives

By providing scholarships, we aim to remove financial barriers that hinder access to quality education and provide young individuals with opportunities they may not have otherwise had. These scholarships are not only about financial support but also about investing in the potential and dreams of our youth, ensuring that they have the resources and support needed to thrive.

Violence Intervention Program (VIP)

In 2023, AOC won two violence prevention grants sponsored by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Reimagine Public Safety Act (RPSA). In Riverdale, and soon to be neighboring communities, we help to reduce firearm violence through targeted, integrated, and evidence-based approaches.

We offer two cohorts a year with program highlights such as our annual job fair, workshops, access to entrepreneurs, community-based events, food giveaways, and more.

Our program culminated in our first graduating class on May 23, 2023. Youth who completed our program were also awarded $600 scholarships! We plan to graduate over 50 local youth during FY2023 to FY2024.